Be part of the world’s most revolutionary dog trainer
coaching program
Be part of the world’s most revolutionary dog trainer
coaching program
Keep reading because you’re about to find out how you can become profitable and have MASSIVE success with training dogs—in a lot less time than you’d think…
And at the same time discover the magic of connecting deeply with dogs in a way that money just can’t buy…that feeling of being able to help owners and dogs understand what’s really going on.
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The Dog Trainer Academy is transforming people who’ve never worked with a dog before, to being super-confident to walk into any situation and be able to HELP— having the owners literally thanking them and wanting to pay them for the service they’ve provided.
Carefully designed to take you from dog lover to respected dog trainer, the DTA takes all the experience and success of professional dog trainer Doggy Dan and neatly packages it into a home-study program.
Using a methodology that flies in the face of conventional training methods, the Dog Trainer Academy is all about Owner Education and gentle Dog Communication. This approach will revolutionize the way you help dogs and their owners, helping you to see the world through the eyes of the dog…
A HEART CENTERED APPROACH… It’s time for a new way of thinking about how we work with dogs. The time has come to change from a command-based approach to a loving, connection-based approach.
For too long dog trainers have turned up to train a dog using an old fashioned COMMAND based approach of either food bribes or corrections without first coming into any relationship with the dog. This revolutionary approach shares how owners can come alongside their dogs quickly and easily, and in doing so achieve powerful results that far surpass what can be achieved using traditional methods.
We say "No" to outdated and flawed techniques
We will teach you the tried and trusted method that DOES NOT rely on continuous food bribes
Discover the lightning-fast way to gain respect and trust that NEVER requires shock or prong collars
Training the dog is not YOUR job! You empower the owner to take control so they train their dog
Learn how to help people solve real dog problems WITHOUT hundreds of ‘games’ or ‘tricks’
If you’re gonna do something, do it right
This step-by-step program will quickly get you working with dogs and changing people’s lives. If you love the thought of working with dogs in a rewarding and fulfilling career, but have never been able to figure out how to achieve it, then here’s the way forward…
The method Doggy Dan has perfected, and used for over a decade now—with close to 3,000 one-on-one clients and over 70,000 online—is producing incredible results worldwide…WITHOUT the use of bribes or any force or aggression.
Yes, there are other programs out there, but NONE of them will teach you the NEW WAY to train dogs…a way that doesn’t rely on old fashioned techniques. Bribing with food, and using shock collars is NEVER going to win the heart, or mind of your dog. And without that, you’ve lost the ability to CONNECT with the animal, in a loving, respectful way, that generates natural obedience.
There's simply no other program like this
There’s NO MORE guessing — you will quickly become the EXPERT, delivering a method that will even allow you to help dogs who are “beyond help”
Most programs only deliver band-aid solutions for symptoms, but you’ll be solving the UNDERLYING cause of 99% of dog problems—in just ONE VISIT!
Empowering the owner to train the dog, with a method that gets PERMANENT results, means you won’t have to do repeat visits—meaning more time for new clients!
Don’t become an out-of-pocket ‘rookie dog trainer’… Only the DTA method, combined with our business system, can get you earning top dollar as soon as you graduate!
Post-pandemic adoption rates have never been higher—the DOGS NEED YOU!
It’s no secret…there is a real need for your services, RIGHT NOW…
There’s never been a better time to get into dog training. The US Dept. of Labor projects Animal Care will grow much faster than the average occupation from 2022 to 2028. Pet sales are at an all-time high in a $80 billion industry, projected to grow throughout the decade, while most industries are contracting. Rescue and adoption centers are experiencing their highest rates ever, so NOW is the time to join this global boom and get paid to do what you love.
This is a huge, global opportunity. There’s just not enough quality dog trainers on planet earth. Especially the type that creates positive, permanent results. So it’s our mission to fill every town, every city, every country with a certified Doggy Dan dog trainer.
The DTA now has hundreds of graduates in 14 different countries all over the world— from the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and much smaller countries like Lithuania, Switzerland, and Mauritius—but we need so many more…are you ready to step up?
The FIRST myth of dog training is it takes years and years to become any good. This was true…when you had to rely on your reflexes to know when a dog was about to snap…. You see if you start using old fashioned methods where you correct or bribe the dog, you are required to know EXACTLY how a dog would respond in EVERY situation. And to achieve that level of skill really does take years of experience and training.
However there is a far more powerful approach than simply reacting to how a dog reacts and then trying to shape their behavior…
And that, my friend, is why you’re on this page. Read on to see how my ‘Train The Owner First’ method works to first set you up as the one in charge, so the dog loves, listens and looks to you for direction. This is how you can become successful within just a few months, by sharing this simple approach with other people…
The SECOND myth is dog trainers can’t make good money. Especially early on. Well, again this is partly true if you are using the old fashioned approach where YOU effectively agree to train THEIR dog!
To be honest, the whole concept of taking responsibility for training another person’s dog is as strange to me as paying another person to come and train your child! It simply doesn’t make sense from an energetic point of view, and it certainly doesn’t make sense from a business point of view either.
It is FAR MORE POWERFUL to say to an owner…”I can come and share with you an incredible approach of how YOU can train your dog, and I’ll be here to support you.”
This way, the owner takes OWNERSHIP of the training, and they are far more likely to put the work in that’s required. You then have the joy of turning up and sharing a KNOWLEDGE BOMB with them…You will have delivered a completely new approach that they are totally happy to pay you very well for.
Put very simply, using this method, you really can earn great money very early on as a dog trainer AND get excellent results…leading to word of mouth referrals and LOTS more business…
You’ll learn an approach that motivates owners to take responsibility.
Motivating a dog owner to do the training rather than trying to train the dog yourself should not be a revolutionary idea, but it’s not as common as you might expect. The advantages are huge. When you educate the owners and share the secrets to being a great dog owner with them, they become empowered. They become inspired and determined to succeed. And they do the training, every day, because they know it’s in their hands to create the change.
No more outdated training methods—give people the holistic method they want.
Nearly every person who has a dog with a problem has tried using food bribes… And sure they can work sometimes but when it comes to the extreme dogs, such as super stubborn dogs, high energy dogs, non food motivated dogs and extremely fearful dogs, food bribes just don’t cut it. What’s more, who wants to wander around with sticky food in your pocket for evermore. And let’s face it, everybody knows there just has to be a smarter way. When it comes to shock collars, I’ve seen first hand the damage they can inflict on more than one occasion and also I’ve seen how unnecessary they are…so why use them?
Discover a method that doesn’t rely on physical strength or agility.
Since this is not about looking to dominate or overpower the dogs to train them it lends itself to people who are older, not so physically strong or people want dogs to “choose” to change of their own free will rather than through fear of repercussions that may follow. As I like to say… “When you win the dog’s mind, their bodies will follow!”
You’ll discover a foundation that is based on a deep connection with the dogs.
This approach goes much deeper than simply training the dogs with treats and works through the instinct of the dog. It’s that deep connection between dog and owner that allows the training to reach new levels. A gentle, kind and understanding approach. The essence of this method is to see the world through the dog’s eyes, understand it from their perspective and then put together a program that motivates the dog to change through their own free will. This is a method that avoids using force or fear to induce behavior changes and doesn’t rely heavily on food bribes, or any force whatsoever. Put another way… this is the dog’s way of training… it’s the approach they would use if they had the choice! You’ll be talking their language, and that’s why it works…
It’s FAST!
It’s not unusual for us to see our Graduates posting that they turned the dog around in just a matter of hours. That’s how fast the rules of the method can work with dogs and their owners.
The other beautiful thing about ‘Train The Owner First’ is that the way you connect with the dog is always the same, no matter what their breed, age, sex, or dog-problem. So you can learn the basic technique in a very short space of time. And the bonus is that because this basic technique is the ‘missing piece’ of the jigsaw that so many people are looking for, you are immediately in high demand!
So unique it solves your client’s problem in just one session; easy to implement, virtually hands off, it creates happy clients time after time — you’ll have more time to generate new business and quickly become a top-earning trainer in your area!
Accelerate your success by learning firsthand how the professionals do it — watch Dan in unedited consultations visiting clients in their homes from start to finish (like you were right there with him), quickly giving you all the practical experience you need to command authority with your own clients!
Learn everything you need to know about dogs…get access to Dan’s famous Dog Calming Code™, his puppy programs, behavioral programs, and more training than you will ever need — used by over 60,000 happy dog owners!
Everything you need from developing the Winner’s Mindset to setting-up and running your own dog training business, to generating endless leads and successfully closing them — it’s a full turn-key solution (and we won’t list the modules because it’s our proprietary method!)
Get LIFETIME access to all the support you’ll need inside the Facebook Family… Here you’ll find DTA trainers all over the world with the same goals and passion as you. You’ll be coached and cheered on by a group of incredibly experienced trainers—you’ll never feel alone!
Have a question that you can’t find the answer to? Simply shout out using the ASK Dan function and our team of experts will be ready to help you out.
You can now be part of the world’s most revolutionary dog trainer coaching program…
Watch these 3 videos for an introduction to see how easy it is to set up your business and start training dogs for a living (and a great life!)
If you have the time and energy…go for it!…you can be fully certified after just 3 months. Soon after you can be commanding the top prices in your neighborhood. In fact we have some students who’ve started earning within just 1 month! But there’s also no hurry…go at your own pace — we want you to be super-confident, pass your graduation assignments with flying colors and be the best trainer you can be!
Graduating from the DTA is one of the BEST DAYS OF YOUR LIFE! You’ll have completed the program and started your live consultations, and you’ll be holding your certificate of “Owner Education and Dog Communication” from Doggy Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy.
Once certified, you’ll have the full support of the DTA community, plus the backing of the global Doggy Dan brand, and you’re now on the fast track to becoming the respected, well-known and well-paid dog trainer in your community — and the EXPERT that people turn to for help.
Doggy Dan is the founder of The Online Dog Trainer, a wildly successful online training program for dog owners. He has years of experience dealing with every type of behavioral dog issue and has worked with all breeds and ages of dogs. Over the last decade, he has helped over 60,000 people successfully train their dogs using the exact method found in the Dog Trainer Academy and has thousands of testimonials to show for it.
Since establishing himself as a respected dog trainer, Doggy Dan has written the bestselling book “What the Dogs Taught Me About Being a Parent”, published by Random House. On top of a successful book, 500,000 people from around the world subscribe to Doggy Dan’s blog and podcast, and he has been featured in numerous magazines.
Dan has also appeared as a regular guest on radio shows and made several TV appearances, recently showing up on The Real Housewives and judging Dog Almighty.
Dan is a big supporter of animal rights, and has written a number of internationally published articles, attended SPCA Conferences as Keynote speaker, and supports many dog related non-profits.
His goal is to continue to share his unique approach to dog training with like-minded people who wish to make a difference in the world of dogs. He hopes that his training methods, which focus on creating and building connections between dogs and dog owners, will be shared and used around the world.
In almost every consultation there’s this magical moment as you share the method with the dog owner…
…it’s when they know their dog has changed…
…and the owner suddenly sits up, takes notice and starts talking to you like YOU’RE A GENIUS…
…the dog whispering GURU…
…and A HERO in their eyes.
Because YOU have revealed how to remove their pain and stress, and for that, they are very, very thankful.
“Hands down, this is the best decision I ever made! After taking the leap into the abyss, I was doing consults within 2 months, and quit my job within 6 months…next year I’m on track to make over $250,000!”
***Results May Vary***
“For me it’s about the community, and Dan’s a part of that community, he’s there to answer all our questions…the group is much more powerful than I ever thought it would be…”
***Results May Vary***
“If you’re looking to make a positive difference in the world, then Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy is it!”
***Results May Vary***
***Results May Vary***
“I did my first training consultation this morning—a big 40kg Mastiff with aggression issues—and I was expecting a challenge, but after putting the method in place…I had a beautiful relaxed dog sleeping at my feet!
***Results May Vary***
So this approach to dog training is NOT a great fit if:
Now on the flip side let me be clear about what we’ve found are the biggest indicators that predict success using this program:
Some people are ready much quicker than others as they have more confidence and are ready to ‘wing it’ more than others who like to know ALL the answers. So although some people do start training within a month it is more usual to wait until around the 3 month mark. Many people however are not in a rush and take much longer up to a year.
You get access for life to all the course material for as long as we are around, and you do not have to pay any extra money.
This process works even if you’ve never lived with a dog or done any kind of dog training before. That is because we walk you through step-by-step how to ‘become’ a dog trainer. And not just any old trainer, we will work WITH YOU to become a SUCCESSFUL Dog Trainer. Our process is here to help you create a business that adapts to your skill set, fits your budget and represents your brand well. We’re here to guide you each step of the way.
We appreciate this question. You should thoroughly vet the people you choose to work with… but ultimately this comes down to a couple things. First, does what we’re saying “make sense”? Can you see how it would work? That’s the first step… if the education we’ve given you (for free) has made sense, then that’s the first thing you want to consider. Second, have you had a conversation with us? You can tell a LOT by getting on a call with someone. Follow your gut. Third, look at the RESULTS above… the screenshots & testimonials. The amount of businesses we’ve helped – genuinely – get results. We’re very good at what we do and we authentically care about people. No scams here.
You do not need to already have a complicated website to start building out your dog trainer business. Some of our most successful trainers ONLY use Facebook to run their business. You do, however, need to have a service people actually want — and that’s what we will help you build. When it comes to selling your dog training services, we can help you navigate the lucrative yet complicated world of setting up a dog training website that is designed to convert. We believe in quick implementation and dedicate a portion of our process to making sure you have the systems in place to handle the influx of new leads/sales you’re looking to get.
This comprehensive professional dog training program gives our students the step-by-step tools and direction to become a Certified DTA Dog Trainer. Within a few months most students are ready to start doing paid consults, and at the end of the completed course you will graduate with a certificate in “Owner Education and Dog Communication” from Doggy Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy. Throughout the course there will be a number of online tests, and reports that will need to be submitted and passed in order to gain the certification. The certificate is recognised globally as one of the highest trained courses and you will be able to use your certification on your website and other marketing to show your authority and secure high-paying clients.
Yep. I guarantee you that if you don’t make a change or get the expertise needed to get leads and sales through becoming a Dog Trainer Academy certified dog trainer, you’ll either grow VERY slowly or you won’t move at all. When I (Dan) first got started in this business, the VERY FIRST thing I did was find a coach (I learned from several) and pay them more money than I had to help me grow faster. It worked, barely three months into my new business I was depositing over $5K per week into my bank. We see it time & time again – there are NO guarantees in life EXCEPT that if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, nothing will change, and you’ll get no results. The “cost” of figuring all this out by yourself is astronomically higher than the “investment” required to work together. Having said all that though, there is a 30 day money-back guarantee if you decide this is not for you.
(more like hundreds of dogs). For EVERY new student we’ll make a (large) donation to one of our 3 chosen charities around the world that help rescue and rehabilitate dogs.
“Saving one dog won’t save the world. But it will change the world for that dog forever.”
I’ve had more than enough fun and attention over the past decade… I’ve been in the limelight, in front of the cameras and on the TV screen. Now it’s time to share the knowledge with other like minded dog lovers who truly want to make a difference in the dog training world. People who believe that the first stage of dog training needs to be CONNECTION with the dog, rather than simply food bribes or corrections.
It’s time for us to stand up as ambassadors for the dogs, to speak up for them, and share with their owners the way they would like to be trained…
And I promise you when you do that…You’ll get a dog who’s far more willing to listen to every word you say!
If you love dogs, enjoy sharing with people and would love to have a passionate career that pays really well, then this is EXACTLY what I can promise you here inside the Dog Trainer Academy.
As so many graduate-trainers can testify…all you need to do is follow the tried and tested pathway to success by following the simple steps laid out in the program.
This is not a get rich quick scheme, however you’ll be amazed at how much people are happy to pay you when you take away their pain and provide them with the road map they’ve been looking for.
“I know of no greater joy than knowing I’ve helped yet another being find peace and the connection they’ve been looking for.”
We’re all here inside the Dog Trainer Academy to help each other.
Become part of our revolution in dog training: making the world a better place for dogs, one step at a time…
It’s time for you to step into the life you dream of. Join us today…