How Would It Feel To Earn A
Consistently High Income As An
IN-DEMAND Dog Trainer,
WITHOUT Any Experience Or Relying On Old-Fashioned Flawed Techniques?
IMPORTANT: Please Fill Out this Form to Complete Your Application
STEP 2: Secure Your Dog Trainer Business Strategy Session
Please fill out this form so we can prepare for your session. If we don’t get an application from you, your booking will be canceled.
Please hit the SUBMIT button above.
Once You Submit Your Application Myself & My Team will Review it Before Our Call Together
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Success Stories
(View The Images, Videos & Screenshots Below to Learn More)
NOTE: All of these Testimonials Will ALSO Be On the Next Page After You Submit The Form
STEP 3: Watch This Testimonial Supercut Before Your Call
If There’s One Video To Watch Before Your Call, This is the One…
“Last year I made just shy of $250,000…, and this year I’m on target to make more than that! So if You’re Thinking About Making This Change in Your Life, Holy Cow, I Mean, Look at Me…If I Can Do This, Anybody Can!”
“I've Saved So Many Dogs From Being Euthanized…I Had a Border Collie About a Month Ago That They Were Gonna Euthanize That Very Day, and I Said, No, No, No, No, No. Let's See If We Can Work With Her—Four Days Later We Were Able To Get Her Adopted Out.”

“I’m Booked Out a Month and a Half Right Now…
And That’s Not One, That’s Multiple Clients a Day!”
“I Moved Away From an Hourly Rate To a Package, And I Was so Nervous About It, But The Next Thing I Know, People are Just Snapping It Up, Like It's No Big Deal!”

“I Wanted To Get Out of Being Stuck in a Dungeon Every Day…And I Kept Thinking To Myself, What Do I Wanna Do? What Do I Like? And Kept Falling Back On Dogs. I Love Dogs. I Wanna Hang Out With Dogs!”
“I've Been Going Part-Time For a Year and a Half and Now I'm Up To About Seven Bookings a Week!”

Hundreds of Trainers From All Over The World

“To Be Honest…I’ve Got More Clients Than I Know What To Do With!”
“It's a Very Simple Way of Approaching a Relationship Between Two Species…it is Very, Very, Very Simple…you Just Have to Watch the Videos to Get a Grasp of it…doesn't Take Up a Lot of Time…you Don't Have To Be a Genius…it's Not Scary. It's Great. Yeah!”

“I am Becoming The Number One Dog Trainer in My Area…next Year I’m Projected to Make $65,000…all Because I Said Yes to the Academy!
“Word of Mouth is an Amazing Thing…people are Telling Me They're From All Over, Everywhere From Newland, Texas to Austin, Texas…people are Talking About Me, Which is Very Wonderful, Very Crazy”

“It Fills Me Like My Corporate Job Never Could. I Don’t Regret a Minute of it…it’s Really Great…I’m So Pleased I Made That Change”
“What’s Most Difficult in Building a Dog Business is Having the Confidence that The Method Will Work…Once You've Done a Consult—You See it…You See it's Amazing!”
“I never dreamed I could be my own boss!”
“Hands down, this is the best decision I ever made! After taking the leap into the abyss, I was doing consults within 2 months, and quit my job within 6 months…next year I’m on track to make over $250,000!”
***Results May Vary***
“Shows you everything you need to get your business started…”
“For me it’s about the community, and Dan’s a part of that community, he’s there to answer all our questions…the group is much more powerful than I ever thought it would be…”
***Results May Vary***
“In the past year and a half, I’ve done more dog consults than I can count… I now have my own dog training business…”
“If you’re looking to make a positive difference in the world, then Dan’s Dog Trainer Academy is it!”
***Results May Vary***
“DTA shows everything you need to get your business started. That was important for me. That extra information…”
***Results May Vary***
“I’ve given up my high-powered corporate job!”
“I did my first training consultation this morning—a big 40kg Mastiff with aggression issues—and I was expecting a challenge, but after putting the method in place…I had a beautiful relaxed dog sleeping at my feet!
***Results May Vary***

Doggy Dan
Doggy Dan is the founder of The Online Dog Trainer, a wildly successful online training program for dog owners. He has years of experience dealing with every type of behavioural dog issue and has worked with all breeds and ages of dogs. Over the last decade, he has helped over 57,000 people successfully train their dogs using the exact method found in the Dog Trainer Academy and has thousands of testimonials to show for it.
Since establishing himself as a respected dog trainer, Doggy Dan has written the book What the Dogs Taught Me About Being a Parent, published by Random House.
On top of a successful book, 250,000 people from around the world subscribe to Doggy Dan’s blog site, and he has been featured in a number of magazines, including Women’s Weekly.
Dan has also appeared as a regular guest on a number of radio shows and made several TV appearances, recently showing up on The Real Housewives of Auckland.
Dan is a big supporter of animal rights, and has written a number of articles and attended the SPCA National Conference in New Zealand as a Keynote speaker.
His goal is to continue to share his unique approach to dog training with like-minded people who wish to make a difference in the world of dogs. He hopes that his training methods, which focus on creating and building connections between dogs and dog owners, will be shared and used around the world.

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